Again, our brethren nation raised non-hospitable act toward all of us. What do we do, what do we do...? "Sunshine Policy" pursued by the former president Kim foreseeably will lose its pursuasive strength at least for a while overwhelmed by roars from hawks deployed in domestic and international political/diplomatic arena. Pedestrians stopped walking their ways and stared at TV monitors at a shop, stockmarkets in neighboring countries crashed despite some so-called experts' articles in major newspapers to calm the people with a mixture of mannerism and wishful thinking arguing that this isn't something we face for the first time. North Korea has been willing to take hostile actions using missiles capable of loading a nuke warhead from time to time, particularly, since last 1994. Have their blinkmanship tactics worked out...?? Why they always have to return ungratefulness in response to good hearted sincerity??
I recall how surprising it was to observe reactions of most of Israelis toward a suicide bombing terror when I was in Haifa, which isn't far at all from the Golan Height where the bomb attack was taken place. My friends bluntly spit out a word, "Ah~! that..?" to me whose eyes almost reddened and heart pumping like thunder asking what would happen afterward. People were killed and things were destroyed but people there have seen so many of them, so much blood..,, so nothing seemed enough to scare them off any more.
Okay,, enough to say that it is important to keep aware of potential dangers ahead of us. Even so, what can we do to make things changed. Why humanitarian approach didn't seem work much? (well, I can't completely ignore the advancement we draw in economic collaborations,,)
Witnessing flooding-out North Korean refugees who seek santuary in foreign lands, some sense a possible dismantlement of the hermit nation. This is why we shouldn't take too hawkish response because we all know men without fear can do things beyond any common sense. Standing at the edge of power, more and more isolated, what other choices the north korean leaders can get other than being rather suicidal or submissive, which we hardly witnessed since its establishment.
I know there are people spending sleepless hours lately tormenting themselves one way or the others for looking for the most desirable answers..
I send my prayers for them tonight.