Went to a beach not so far from where I live and terrified by the overwhelming scenery of files of wastes literally covered the whole beach, well, if there was any bits of it originally. On the way back home, I swore to myself never even dare to go anywhere again during the peak summer holiday season here. Seriously wondered if those I saw on the beach had any idea about the simple fact that the world we're living in is actually circulating and meant to return what we give? Thinking of it for even a short few seconds gave me the creeps!
Tents were cramped with each other, if not they were set up amid of tons of garbages. Amazingly though, they actually seemed quite happy being there! Smiling, eating (always eating something from Ramen to Samgeupsal) and dipping their feet (most of them, no more than their feet level~~@) in the bathtub temperatured supposingly ocean water, everybody but me seemed enjoying where they were and what they were doing~@@
I couldn't dare to even think about swimming in that water (really, it was even worse than water in the Han River~!), so I rovered around the shore and among rocks looking for things that might intrigue my curiosity. Guess what? I found a major surprise there. There was a stream of blackened water comprising of "who knows what" coming down from the town nearby and directly being introduced to the sea. And right next to the stream, millions (well, A LOT) of people were splashing and submerging into the water, I bet some even happened to drink some of it, oh god bless them~!
I strived to find a way to understand people there. Were they simply ignorant of how severely (in a bad way, of course) the polluted water can affect them, or did they decide not to care whether they got horribly sick owing to it???? Or, perhaps, they were so desperate for having a sense of deviation being away from where they're so accustomed to. Whatever the reason was, the poison thrown out to the mother nature have finally returned to us, the man kind in this continent, and it is obvious that it will eventually kill us all unless we do something to make it better. We can't just ignore things ahead of us all the time~!!