Friday, December 01, 2006

Out of Seoul.

Closer to annual holiday season, my heart beats faster every day in a happy agony to decide where to go. Usual perference has been always somewhere steamy hot nearby ocean, if possible, somewhere I can see these people so lively with their proud tradition. Choices are endless if I only have some time, unfortunately though, because I merely have 5 days off this year, the choices reduced to a very limited places. Where to go, where to go~?? I have mileages enough fly me to Japan and Jeju Island and return to Seoul. So I guess I can visit friends in Japan and do some catch up with them. Yet, Japan simply doesn't appeal to me much as a place that I can relax. Jeju?? we..ll,,, what good can I get if I visit a honeymoon mecca by myself??

Unfortunately or fortunately, sister and mother who I planned to spend my vacation with are not able to accompany me anymore. So I guess I have more freedom now, yet just seem like something is missing.

Tightening schedules into a travel package isn't something I would likely enjoy even though lots of packages offer budget and selective programs. In addition, knowing my possibly impulsive nature, I fear that I may just decide to settle down somewhere in Southeast asian fishing village and not come back... ~~;

Question still remains...