아버지가 군 수사기관의 조작으로 사형당했다는 통보를 받은 심한운 씨가 15일 충남 서산시 고북면 봉생리 집 안방에서 아버지 심문규 씨의 사진과 사형선고 판결문, 방첩대의 조서 등을 놓고 한스러운 과거를 되씹고 있다. 서산=지명훈 기자
Korea's Truth and Reconciliation Commission recently ascertained that Shim Mun-kyu, a lieutenant of Korea's HID (Headquarters Intelligence Department), was dispatched to the North Korea, captured by the North and resent to the South as a double spy, yet voluntarily surrendered upon his arrival in the South. However, Shim was interrogated for one and a half year before he was wrongfully convicted as a double spy and got executed soon after. The only survivor of his family among three children and wife is a son, whose suffering in his life would what god only knows.
북파공작원 48년전 이중간첩 몰려 억울한 죽음
아들의 진실찾기에 진실화해위서 ‘조작’ 확인
“아버지가 억울하게 사형당한 줄도 모르고 수십 년을 살았습니다. 기일을 몰라 매년 설날과 추석이면 제사상을 차렸는데….”
진실·화해를 위한 과거사정리위원회 관계자에게서 아버지가 이중간첩으로 몰려 사형당한 것은 당시 군 수사기관의 조작 때문이었다는 소식을 전해들은 심한운 씨(60·충남 서산시). 그는 서랍장 깊은 곳에 고이 모셔뒀던 아버지의 사진과 사형선고 판결문을 꺼내들고는 물끄러미 바라보다 큰 한숨을 쉬었다. 청년시절부터 아버지의 소식을 듣기 위해 전국을 누볐던 시간들이 주마등처럼 머릿속을 스쳐갔다. 그의 아버지인 심문규 씨는 육군첩보부대(HID) 소속으로 북파됐다가 북에서 체포돼 대남간첩교육을 받은 뒤 2년 만에 남파돼 자수했지만 이중간첩으로 몰려 사형을 당했다.
진실·화해위는 15일 “‘특수임무수행자 심문규 이중간첩사건’을 조사한 결과, 북한군에게 체포됐던 심 씨가 북에서 대남간첩교육을 받고 남파된 뒤에 자수를 했음에도 육군첩보부대가 증거도 없이 심 씨를 위장자수로 몰아갔던 사실을 확인했다”고 밝혔다.
육군첩보부대에서 563일 동안 불법 구금당한 채로 신문을 당한 심 씨는 남파간첩 검거 등에 필요한 정보를 제공한 뒤에 중앙고등군법회의에 기소돼 사형 판결을 받고 1961년 5월 대구교도소에서 처형당했다. 한운 씨는 1959년 외숙모 손을 잡고 간 육군본부 장교형무소 면회실에서 본 아버지의 모습을 아직도 잊지 못한다. 당시 아버지는 “공부는 잘하고 있느냐, 북파공작원이라 여기 와 있다. 아버지는 곧 나갈 테니 걱정마라”고 했다. 그것이 아버지의 마지막 모습이 될 줄은 당시는 미처 몰랐다.
생활고에 시달리던 만삭의 어머니는 극약을 마시고 세상을 등진 지 오래였다. 당시 다섯 살이었던 누이동생도 갑작스럽게 체해 세상을 떴다. 한운 씨는 어머니와 누이 얘기에 목이 메어 한동안 말을 잇지 못했다. 아버지가 남파간첩이라는 소식에 집안에는 발길이 뚝 끊겼다. 아버지의 소식을 전해 주는 이도, 알아볼 방법을 가르쳐 주는 이도 없었다.
구두 기술자, 운전사 등 철이 들면서 안 해본 일 없이 고생을 한 한운 씨였지만 아버지 소식을 들을 수 있다면 만사를 제쳐두고 달려갔다. 아버지처럼 북한으로 파견됐던 특수임무수행자들을 찾아 귀동냥을 하며 아버지 소식을 수소문하는 일이 다반사였다.
아버지가 이중간첩으로 몰려 사형당했다는 소식을 알게 된 것은 2006년의 일. 아버지의 소식을 애타게 찾는 한운 씨의 사연이 언론을 통해 알려지면서 군 당국이 당시 아버지의 사형 판결문을 전달해 줬다. “1961년 5월 25일, 이날이 아버지가 사형당한 날이자, 기일이라는 것을 알기까지 수십 년이 걸렸습니다.”
진실화해위의 조사를 통해 아버지의 억울한 죽음을 확인했지만 한운 씨는 아직 할 일이 많다. “아버지처럼 북파됐다가 생사도 모르는 가족들이 있는데도 숨 죽여 살고 있는 나 같은 사람들이 많습니다. 사재를 털어서라도 아버지와 함께 파견됐던 동료들의 가족을 돕고 싶습니다.”
진실화해위는 이날 “국가는 심 씨의 가족에게 사과하고 명예회복을 위한 재심 등 필요한 조치를 취하라”며 북파공작원 운용과 관련된 자료를 투명하게 공개할 것을 권고했다.
“It has been so hard living without a father all this time. How could my poor father and my brothers and sisters ever be compensated for our lives?”
Sim Han-un found it impossible to continue speaking. The 59-year-old is the son of Sim Mun-gyu, a man who had served as an Headquarters Intelligence Detachment (HID) agent in a South Korean counter- intelligence military unit and was framed as a double agent at a court-martial, and executed at an Army prison.
In a report released Tuesday from its investigation of Sim’s case, the South Korean Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) wrote, “It has been confirmed that an innocent person was executed through the fabrication of a case by the HID.” The commission recommended to the government that necessary measures be taken, including an apology to Sim’s family and a review to rehabilitate his reputation.
What happened to Sim Mun-gyu’s life could be said as indicative of what has taken place in South Korea’s turbulent history as a nation under Japanese colonial rule to war and then national division. His home is Cheorwon, now located in Gangwon Province, which fell in North Korean territory before the armistice line was as a result of the Korean War.
Sim had a favorable view of South Korea, and he joined the South Korean Army in the 6th division reconnaissance corps for the 17th regiment in December 1950, when the tide was turned by the South Korean Army with the Incheon landing. He began his HID activity at the 6th division’s intelligence office.
“Before Liberation, my father voluntarily joined the Japanese army and was assigned to the Kwantung Army in Manchuria, and he ended up captured by the Soviet and Chinese armies and spending time as a prisoner-of-war,” explained Sim Han-un. “He was fluent in Chinese and was aware of the surrounding geography, and these were suitable for fulfilling intelligence duties,” he added.
Sim Mun-gyu was in unemployed in Seoul following the war’s end when he received a proposal from HID asking if he might like to work again. In Sept. 1955, he left behind his wife and three children and went to North Korea by way of the East Sea coast. “I heard that the Army coaxed him into it, telling him he would work as an officer when he came back,” Sim Han-un recalled.
Unfortunately, Sim Mun-gyu was caught by the North Korean army while carrying out his duties, and after going through one year and seven months of training as a spy against South Korea, he was assigned to “assassinate key figures” and sent back south. Sim, who had family in Seoul, turned himself in to HID as soon as he arrived back in South Korea, but military prosecutors at the time charged him with “surrendering under false pretenses.” In May of 1961, he was executed at Taegu Prison. “It seems that for senior military figures at the time, HID agents dispatched to North Korea who came back alive like Sim were nuisances who could not just be released back into society,” said an official with the TRC.
Sim’s children lived harsh lives after their father’s unjust death. Sim Han-un explained, “My mother took her own life just before my father was sent to North Korea, and the second eldest child died of disease at the age of five.” Sim Han-un himself was unable to graduate from middle school because of the family’s dire financial situation.
Following enactment of the Compensation for Persons Engaged in Special Military Missions Act, which was created to provide consolation for the past suffering of HID agents deployed to North Korea, Sim Han-un applied for benefits but was rejected. He said that he will request a court review of his father’s execution and is seeking damages from the state.