Friday, June 29, 2012

Adding to the new year's resolution for Year 2012; I will update something everyday on my blog. This probably means degrading the quality of what'd be written but wth.. they weren't any good to start with! Recently, I launched an endeavor to discover colleagues with Korean heritage on campus where I work and so far found three others. With two, I've managed to build relatively close relationship that we can chat about pretty much everything. But the last fellow was the touch one. He seemed quite distant or he wished to be seen that way when I approached. With one of those colleagues, I often go out for a short walk around the campus during lunch hours. Weather has been great last few days and very much enjoyed the lunch "power" walk with her. Listening to her career advice requests got me think things that might have been slipped from my fingers a while ago. I must've grown older. When being asked, I found myself leaning more towards being settled rather than being ventured out. It seems fitting to "present-me" better. Although, I can't deny there is still such strong urge to find "my thing" and being recognized in it. Really, otherwise what's left in life? I read Bible, resonating and meditating on those verses, but still there is a big hold in me that is not even half filled. What is it? Thirst.., that's what it is... Sometimes, I feel like I may end up breaking myself and leaving no one to remember I lived this world... Although, like my sister once said, I have so much to appreciate! That is also true. Feeling I need to clear my head around some of important things in life, I will take a short trip to the wilderness where no distraction exist during this Canada Day long weekend. A friend from San Francisco is joining me on this and we will most likely hit the road to Victoria and discover some hidden islands around.