Friday, July 13, 2007

Sweetheart sorrow.

It was only a few days ago, when things started to slip away from what I scheduled. The new job, which I was unexpectedly offered with, had put me into a rocky rollercoster with the notorious boss and eventually relocated me into a position different from what I signed for. A person who I've been kindly of looking forward to seeing again only brought a very very awkward momentum of the grendeur rendezvous after more than a year of separation. Perhaps, I expected much. That's fine.

Now I am sitting in an office I wouldn't imagine to be then, sipping water from a plastic bottle, updating my blog, and waiting the office hour to be ended. Although, things are not particularly moving in a way I planned, I still have plenty of things to take care of and to make me feel needed. Additionally, since I already understand sometimes unexpected turns may be await us here and there to garnish to our lives, the nearly a month of rather hectic past period of the transition did hardly scare me nor change my attitude towards life in general.

At this new position, okay, ,,. I was offered with a head assistant position to general manager of Renaissance Seoul Hotel, a branch of Marriott International the hotel magnate, and now switched to the Operations Dept., the largest managerial division of five others in the hotel hierarchy. No matter what, as always, I will do my utmost effort to meet the company's expectation, and hope to find an initiativeness to lead my career in a way that I can shape into an ideal blue print I have always dreamt of.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Seoul, Seoul, Seoul!

Summer, the queen of all seasons, has indeed arrived. Some of those who I have become acquainted with at some point of my life are visiting Korea and many of us are planning for a short summer trip to somewhere, well, though not all of us do. As an employee who has been hired twice and laid off once within two weeks, asking for day-offs would be ridiculous thing to do, so I swallow the strongest sense for an exploration and filed fatigue through my throat.

So far, the experience with this hotel has been very unique in its own way, yet I still find there are plenty of things that I feel gratitude for. Although, interactions among colleagues are relatively shallow and too quick to savor thereof, compared to those at my previous firm, I sense there still are invisible hands ready for me to hold, thereby leading me toward the betterment. I thank for that and his will.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Wheel of chaos

Last two weeks were the MOST unpredictable and insecure moments in my life. Transition made into its grendeur entry, since then everything went blur and disceptive that I could literally trust no one at work where I was supposed to work for a possibly extended period of time.

Direct boss wasn't ready to train me in whichever way and expected the same or above experiences and work capacity that he couldn't even find from a person with ten years of experience in the field, who he eventually dismissed before I entered into this firm. After one and half week of nightmarish time with him, he dismissed me as well. It's not that I stole money or anything. I guess it was simply a result of huge differences in expectation. That's fine. But the problmatic points arised therefrom was the misjudgement of the employer brought out severe damages to my rights to be hired and work, according to a legal expert who I asked an advice from. Although, I did not make too much confusion or loud noise for everybody's sake in the firm, so I asked the firm would give me either an approved involuntary separation paper. Then the employer offered me a different position, which pays less annual salary. I rejected the offer unless they pays me the same amount of salary indicated in our contract, then, director and deputy director from Human Resouces Department with an approval from General Manager verbally guaranteed that they will assure my annual salary to be unchanged dispite of changes in job position. It was already ridiculous enough to experience all that confusion, but real fun part hasn't come yet. They gave me a red slip showing the position entitled to me has been changed. Funny thing? I have never received the form when I first came into the previous position, and it does not indicate the wage stays the same in anywhere thereon. That is, they are neither willing to keep their verbal assurance they made to me, nor to give out an involunary dismissal paper that can be used unfavorable to them. Sneacky and wicked wastes!
Perhaps, I only become aware of what really is happening in most of the society in which I reside, I feel pity for all of our comrades who fight for their share of bread, and wish the best for all of us!