Twenty three law makers from the governing Uri party in Korea announced to desert the party for establishing another, which demoted the beleaguered party to the second place in the national assembly with 110 seats, whereas the main opposition Grand National Party (hereinafter referred to as "GNP") having 127 seats now emerges to the first place in the assembly. In the statement during the press conference where all leaving lawmakers bowed publicly, which I still cannot figure out their intention behind the awkward action, the deserters made clear about their plan to form a floor negotiating group that will be the third largest in the parliament.
Their action is largely viewed as a rather cowdice and opportunistic action because mainly it took place when their deserting party is in the deepest trouble, presidential campaigns are heated, and the Uri party is viewed as the one short of condidence thereof. Well,,, personally, I don't see any chance that one of the leaving lawmakers would have slightest chance to be elected for the seat or even run for the office, but perhaps some of them may hope for a position in the upcoming new administration, thanks to most blind voters who have notoriously been suffered from short-term memory loss symptoms. The thing disguests me the most is the public gesture they chose; bowing in front of all major media in the nation. For those who are not so familiar with Korean customs, Koreans usually bow when they apologize for something or express their respect and well-being to someone. But in this case, I don't see any of the causes can be applied. Would they feel sorry for their decision and like to apologize for what they already had decided? No,, absolutely not! Most likely, they would probably feel so relieved by stepping out of from the pithold, which is the party once they pledged their loyalty, and their minds so busy with planning manipulative schedules to survive through the chaos and having hopes to be again emerged at the next administration.
I hate to say this, but they are the kind of people who won't hesitate to leave you if you turn out to be not so useful for them. Then, I think it is only fair for us not to give them positions to take care of us, as they aren't just strong or right in mind enough for the jobs.
Leaving lawmakers include
원내대표를 지낸 김한길 의원과 정책위의장을 지낸 강봉균 의원, 이강래 예결위원장, 조일현 건교위원장, 조배숙 문화관광위원장, 이종걸, 양형일, 주승용, 노현송, 최규식, 김낙순, 장경수, 노웅래, 박상돈, 전병헌, 우제항, 우제창, 변재일, 최용규, 제종길, 서재관, 우윤근, 이근식 의원등