The biggest holiday of the year in Korea, Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving Day) is only a few days ahead and I begin to see smiles on faces.
This morning, just outside of exit 7 of Yeoksam Station, the one that I take on my way to the office, I witnessed a group of people cracked out laughters and giving out tiny stickers for those turning their head and smiling back at them. "Weird," I thought. Of course, I looked at them and almost instantly cracked some laughters, and gave them my breathtaking wink. In return, I received my reward and a small green smily sticker on my arm, feeling proud.
Heading back toward my office, although I felt slight sadness, realized how desperately people in this city is trying to laugh, seek a tiniest piece of happiness to thereby regain a meaning of life. I was certain that I was pretty much the only person to return their laughs at that hassles and bussles of the intersection full with working people rushing themselves to work. Most of them looked at the group as if they saw some socially retardeds, and probably thought that's a bad luck to start a day with. How sad...
Today went okay, busy as usual. Completed some complicated legal translations for the newly opened Hotel's Fitness Club and handed into the Director of Finance who asked me to do the work. I have no idea how the work has been under control of DOF, yet like many other things at work, task boundaries are blur and so do their responsibilities. I felt proud at the first time when DOF personally asked me to do him a favor, which meant he thought I have things to offer, but later on things slightly became trickier when realizing my direct boss might not be too happy that I spent time, otherwise I would've spent for him.
It is 2:07 in the morning and I am still having trouble to sleep. This is very unusual for me to have sleepless nights. Not so sure if this is due to a pure excitement for the coming holiday or something else that I've longed for my life time and today is the day that I would find out the result whether I was meant for it or not.
Writing always has been one of my favorites, yet I find difficult to do so lately. Partly because of lack of time, but mostly of losing enthusiasm in observing things. Alert!