How can such simple words embed such a profound feeling?
Lately, I've had troubles to read and comprehend updated news from papers or any other sources of media for some unknown reasons. Instead, I decided to go over some nonfictions that I purchased yet never had enough time to indulge myself into. "The Kite Runner," a book recommended by a friend with wondering mind, has been kind to me enough to provide a humble resort in my barren city life for last couple of days. There, newly immigrated Ali seeks comfort in Jahara, a girl he has longed for, at his father's near death bed. Prohibited from being seen together by their customary Afgan Sharia Law, how they found out the feelings for each other would be god-only-knows. After years of hide-and-seek type of pursuit for each other, finally Ali said to Jahara at his father's death bed that her presence next to him then means a whole world to him.
At the first glance, it may sound stereotypical. However, to me, the simple comment was overwhelming enough to make me bite my lips not to shed tears in the crazy communiting subway No. 2 this morning.
When did I feel so desperately longing for something? What did I desire then, if any? I know there still is burning fire within me, the thirty that can't be met easily any time soon, yet I also feel that the longings have been gradually faded away from hectic daily chores depsite all the struggles I've made.